Material supplier and full-service provider in the power industry

The company rt steel s.r.o. produces and delivers steel materials, pipes and bars, seamless and stainless pipes, special materials for boilers and other energy related equipment production, and other steel and metallurgical materials.


RT Steel - New website

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here we will collect all the news we have prepared for you at RT Steel.

About us

Company rt steel s.r.o. has been steadily developing company in the field of steel material supply since 2005.

Our headoffice and olso two production halls are located in Chomutov, the town with longterm tradicion metallurgical industry such as foundry, production of heavywall thickness seamless steel tubes and steel bars. Due to our location we have the best options to use free capacities in production to respond quickly to customers requests even in the request of nonstandard materials, or their substitude of materials in case of novelization of standards.

Our company is specialized in production of closed bends, cladding, assembly and weldingof piping partsand piping systems, includingcomplete accessories, machining and maintenace of machines, cutting pipes for demand lenghts, pipe outside and inside grinding, proviing inspection certificates, also eventually completion of required tests at an accredited workplace.

We provide delevery of seamless and welded pipes, bars, profiles, bends, fittings in carbon steel, low and high alloy steel and stainless from new production and from stock also. Also we can provide special materials for boiler production, delivery of investments units or parts for energy and chemical industries.


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We support

  • BULL EXPORT s.r.o.
  • FC Baník Chomutov z.s.
  • PC Chomutov, s.r.o.
  • Tělovýchovná jednota Baník Meziboří
  • Dětský domov, Vysoká Pec 145
  • Volejbalový klub Jirkov, z.s.
  • Taneční klub STARDANCE Chomutov z.s.
  • Hokejový hráč Barnabáš Novák